Parlatino supports Argentina in the Malvinas dispute

(Prensa Latina) The Ordinary Assembly of the Latin American Parliament (Parlatino) in Panama today reaffirmed its support for Argentina’s legitimate rights in the sovereignty dispute over the Malvinas Islands, a territory stolen by the United Kingdom, local media report.

In a new statement that adds to those of that forum between 2009 and 2013, the Parlatino recalled the regional interest that both countries resume negotiations to find as soon as possible a definitive peaceful solution to the sovereignty dispute over the Malvinas, South Georgia and South Sandwich Islands and the surrounding maritime areas.

The Parliament reiterated its rejection of any unilateral action in the disputed area in violation of the provisions of UN Resolution 31/49.

This document urges the parties to refrain from introducing modifications and includes, among other things, the exploration and exploitation of Argentina’s renewable and non-renewable natural resources, as well as the carrying out of military exercises.

Prior to the Ordinary Assembly, held in Panama, a seminar was held on the Malvinas Question, a Latin American cause, with the participation of the Minister of Foreign Affairs of that country, Erika Mouynes, the former Presidents Martín Torrijos and Aristides Royo, and the President of the Parlatino, Jorge Pizarro, among others.

Argentina and the United Kingdom have a dispute, which led to an armed conflict, with a toll of 650 Angentineans and 255 British soldiers killed in 1982.

On multiple occasions this nation has called on the other side to resume talks to advance in the negotiation for a peaceful and lasting solution to the dispute.

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