Minister of the Government of Ecuador ensures total control in the Yutzupino mining area

The suspension of mining in Napo, said the Minister of Energy, is temporary. Those who have the permits will be able to continue with the activity.

Regarding the Manatí operation, carried out in Yutzupino, Napo province, in the presence of illegal miners, the Government Minister, Alexandra Vela, said that “the area has been fully controlled.”

She said 48 backhoes have been identified and tags have been placed on each license plate. Of this number, 27 are in a Collection Center under the control of the authorities. During the operation they also seized 10 water pumps and several motors.

Now, said Vela, the operation is moving to a second stage, which is the recovery of the river and the health of the inhabitants.

“The government’s objective is that there is no illegal mining in Ecuador. It is not possible that these types of activities have been done destroying nature and the river,” she added.

The Minister of Energy, Juan Carlos Bermeo, said that the measures to suspend mining in Napo are temporary, while the environmental problems are corrected. But those who have the respective permits, that is, the concessionaires, the permits will be respected.

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