World Food Program provides assistance to people affected by COVID-19 in Ecuador

The United Nations World Food Program (WFP) provides food assistance, with the aim of improving the nutrition of 34,000 Ecuadorians, affected by the COVID-19 pandemic.

The food assistance consists of the delivery of cash, for an amount of USD 240 per family, which will cover half the value of the food and beverages of the basic basket, for a period of two months.

According to data from the latest Food Security Report of Ecuador, “close to two million people are in a situation of severe food insecurity, even more so after the impacts caused by the pandemic.”

This information was released by the institution, through a statement. There it was added that the agency is supported by two food assistance mechanisms: the Phase II Nutritional Support Bonus and AlimentaACCIÓN.

«During the time of delivery of the bonus, educators from the MIES, with the support of the WFP, will carry out family counseling on the importance of good nutrition in the first years of life. This food assistance is part of one of the government’s priorities that proposes to reduce chronic child malnutrition by six percentage points until 2025, “they indicated.

In addition, physical and virtual workshops will be held for families benefiting from both schemes, and educational communication products will be delivered to promote healthy eating habits.

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