President says accord with IMF will allow Argentina to move forward

 (Prensa Latina) Argentine President Alberto Fernandez said today that the recent agreement to refinance the outstanding debt with the International Monetary Fund (IMF) is one of many steps that will allow the country to move forward in its economic growth.

In an interview with the program Secreto de Sumario, broadcast by Radio 10, the President said the agreement “frees us from making payments for four years and allows us to go ahead with our goal of developing the economy”.

Argentina owes 45 billion dollars, it is a problem we are trying to get out of, but we are going to have it for a long time, he said.

Referring to the opposition’s criticism about his recent statements during his visit to Russia, regarding Argentina’s dependence on the IMF and the United States, Fernandez pointed out that many were upset but we have to realize that this is what happens.

On the other hand, he described as “an act of good sense” that the opposition voted for the agreement reached with the IMF in Congress, after remarking that unlike what has historically happened in Argentina, he preferred that it be debated in Parliament as required by the Constitution.

Asked about his statements in Russia, he emphasized that the country must have “a mature, frank, sincere and mutually respectful relationship” with the United States, as with other countries in the world.

The world is different, it obliges us to have mature and respectful relations with everyone. I do not know why traveling to Russia and China means that we have a bad relationship with the United States. The fact is that we went to strengthen and promote our commercial and financial ties at a time when the country needs it, he remarked.

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