UN chief warns about serious crisis in Afghanistan

(Prensa Latina) Afghan people are currently facing up one of the speedy growing humanitarian crises in the world, and resources are urgently needed to provide assistance, UN Secretary-General (UNSG) António Guterres warned Thursday.

On Twitter, the UN chief also posted that the United Nations has plans to reach over 22 million Afghan people, but they have only received 9% of required funds.

Mr. Guterres urged the international community to support the efforts of the UN and its humanitarian partners before it is too late. He also expressed deep concern for Afghan women´s welfare missing in Afghanistan and whose whereabouts are still unknown.

“I strongly urge the Taliban to guarantee their (Afghan activist women) safety so they can return home,” Mr. Guterres live-tweeted.

On Thursday, a group of Afghan women took to the streets in Kabul calling for respect for their rights and information about four activists´ whereabouts, allegedly detained by the Taliban.

Although the Afghan government denied its involvement in the incident, the UN special representative for Afghanistan Deborah Lyons met with several local authorities on Thursday to request information about disappeared women.

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