Poor performance of Biden in the United States, reveals survey

(Prensa Latina) Fifty-eight percent of Americans today consider the performance of US President Joe Biden to be poor, a survey revealed.

A new investigation by the CNN television network published this Thursday showed that 58 percent of those consulted said that they disapproved of Biden’s performance, while only 41 approved of it.

A similar poll in December indicated that 49 percent of Americans approved and 51 percent disapproved of Biden, something that is now slowed down by the rise in inflation that affects the country.

The same poll showed that just 36 percent of independent voters, crucial in an election, and 9 percent of Republicans approved of the president’s job.

However, 83 percent of Democrats approve of the president, although that figure represents a decrease from 94 percent last summer.

The study reaffirms the trend that the president continues to decline in his approval, while more problems accumulate on his government agenda.

According to the newspaper The Hill, neither the promotion of his infrastructure plan, nor the deployment of vaccines throughout the country, achieved favorable impulses for the ruler in recent months.

In this regard, members of the blue tent are alarmed and estimate that if the low presidential approval ratings continue, this could lead the Republicans to change the two houses of Congress.

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