Russia demands UN arbitration for visa of diplomats to the US

(Prensa Latina) The Russian permanent representative to the United Nations (UN), Vasili Nebenzia, delivered a message from the Foreign Minitry of this country to the UN General Secretariat, where he demands an arbitration for the US visa restrictions.

The diplomat reported this Wednesday that the letter from Russian Foreign Minister, Sergey Lavrov, enumerates visa problems that affect Moscow´s representatives to the international body in New York, due to the limitations imposed by Washington.

The letter asks the UN Secretary General, António Guterres, to begin an arbitration procedure under the relevant article with the US, the host country, to analyze the actions of its government, Nebenzia told Russia 24 TV channel.

As stipulated, the US authorities must provide conditions to the work of the Russian mission to the UN, which, he said, is under pressure due to the unresolved visa probelms with the US.

He explained that the difficulties include the extension of visas for current employees who, upon expiration, cannot leave the country, even if they have serious humanitarian reasons to do so, such as the death of close relatives.

According to the Moscow representative, Russian diplomats have tried to communicate directly with the US mission to the UN to solve the problem, but warned that these are palliative measures, not a systematic solution.

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