UK Foreign Minister travels to Russia to address crisis in Ukraine

(Prensa Latina) The Foreign Minister of the UK, Liz Truss, travelled to Russia to address tensions between Moscow and NATO over Ukraine, the British Foreign Ministry reported.

According to the statement, the head of British diplomacy will meet with her Russian counterpart, Sergei Lavrov, and will urge Russia to “desist” its intentions to attack the neighboring country.

Ahead of Truss’s trip, the Russian embassy in Moscow wryly commented on Twitter that the British Foreign Minister would be going to Moscow in high spirits, posting some of her latest threatening comments against the Russian government.

The United Kingdom, the United States and the rest of the members of the North Atlantic Treaty Organization (NATO) accuse Russia of planning to invade Ukraine, whose government has requested membership of the Washington-led military alliance.

Moscow maintains more than 100,000 soldiers in its own territory and denies plans to attack, emphasizing that its troops are deployed lawfully within Russian territory for purely defensive purposes.

President Vladimir Putin made it clear that Russia is categorically opposed to NATO’s expansion into Eastern Europe and its encroachment towards Russian borders, as it represents a threat to Russia’s security.

It is not Russia that is moving towards the borders of the bloc, but instead NATO the one moving closer to the Russian borders, the President pointed out.

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