Actions against Colombian paramilitaries in Venezuela increase

(Prensa Latina) The National Bolivarian Armed Forces of Venezuela (FANB, in Spanish) continue their operations in bordering areas with Colombia, breaking up drug laboratories and plantations, Operational Strategic Commander Domingo Hernandez reported on Wednesday.

On Twitter, the high command announced that they are working on the confiscation of strategic material from urban miners, while they are intensifying operations against Colombian Armed Drug Trafficking Terrorist Groups (TANCOL).

These operations, the commander explained, are part of the presence Escudo Bolivariano 2022 Vuelvan Caras (Vuelvan Caras Bolivarian Shield 2022). In this regard, he tweeted: “we are carrying out missions of reconnaissance and occupation of TANCOL camps! Venezuela is a sovereign State and must be respected!”

Also on Twitter, Hernandez posted videos and photos that show part of security operations carried out by these military troops.

“The FANB is still deployed to expel TANCOL from Venezuela, including all their narcoterrorist habits and procedures, which violate our constitution and our nation’s state of justice and law!,” the senior officer tweeted.

On Tuesday, FANB troops were deployed in the Apure Integrated Operational Defense Zone (ZODI, in Spanish) to patrol and scan, searching for Colombian paramilitary groups that penetrate the Venezuelan territory to bring chaos.

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