National Union of Educators of Ecuador announces national strike for February 11

Teachers demand from the Government and the Assembly of Ecuador that the salary equalization take effect immediately.

The teachers request that the reforms to the LOEI be implemented, which include salary equalization and retirement at 30 years, with no age limit.

Isabel Vargas, president of the National Union of Educators (UNE), ratified that, this Friday, February 11, the term that the Constitutional Court gave to the Executive and the Legislative to carry out the pertinent reforms to the Organic Law of Intercultural Education expires. (LOIE).

“The Constitutional Court issued its ruling and ratified the constitutionality of all rights and one of those rights is salary equality, which is not a salary increase, but equalizes us to the ranks of the rest of public servants”, assured the president of the UNE .

In the same way, the UNE ratified the mobilization scheduled for February 11, due to the lack of sensitivity and compliance with the Law. In addition, they ask President Lasso to use the surplus of the barrel of oil for health and education.

On the other hand, the teachers expressed their disagreement with the Ministry of Education and the National Government, since their plan to return to classes does not have the relevant planning, because the schools do not have the necessary conditions to welcome a return to school mass to classrooms.

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