Prices and inflation grow in Uruguay

(Prensa Latina) The National Institute of Statistics of Uruguay (INE, in Spanish) reported the highest monthly price increase since April 2020 and inflation that continues outside the target.

According to the Comsumer Price Index (IPC) was 8,15% at the end of January and if we take into account that in the preceeding 12 months it was 7,96, inflation accelerated.

Besides, this last indicator continued to be outside of the target of the government, of between 3% and 7% in the first month of the year.

On the other hand, the IPC grew 1,78% in that month, with an effect in the population´s cost of living, in the midst of wage reductions and retirees´ purchase power losses, dennounced by tarde unions.

Housing was the category of more adverse consequences with an increase of the 6,72%, which INE explained by rises in running water rate,

Housing was the category with the most adverse consequences with an increase of 6,72%, which the INE explained by increases in the rates of running water, household taxes, common expenses, electricity and gas, which in some of these items represented more than 10% and 21%.

Increases were also recorded in the group Food and non-alcoholic beverages and medical services of private mutual insurance companies.

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