An earthquake of 5.8 degrees shakes the department of Escuincla, in Guatemala

A strong earthquake shook the city of Tocojate in Escuincla, 108 kilometers from Guatemala City. The National Institute of Seismology, Volcanology, Meteorology and Hydrology of Guatemala (Insivumeh) reported that the earthquake had an intensity of 5.6 degrees.

The tremor was registered at a depth of 66 kilometers and was felt in the neighboring countries of Mexico and El Salvador. So far, the Guatemalan authorities report that they have not found material damage or deaths to regret due to the earthquake, but they ask the population to report any damage or injuries.

David León, spokesman for the National Coordinator for Disaster Reduction of Guatemala (Conred), said that the department of Escuincla is constantly monitoring. In addition, it made Conred number 119 available, so that the population can communicate any news about the earthquake.

The authorities reported that the telluric movement was felt in cities such as: Chimaltenango, Escuintla, Sacatepéquez, Suchitepéquez, Retalhuleu, Sololá, Quiché and Quetzaltenango, without registering damages or deaths.

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