One million people lost their jobs in the pandemic, alerts the Confederation of Workers of Ecuador

Gremio requests that the Government adopt urgent measures to face the economic crisis.

The Confederation of Workers of Ecuador (CTE) warned that at least one million people had been fired in these six months of health emergency in the country. Given this, they asked the President of the Republic, Lenín Moreno, to adopt urgent measures to mitigate the wave of dismissals that occur daily in the public and private sectors.

In a virtual press conference, the leaders stressed that the situation that workers have been going through since the start of the health emergency in Ecuador is very complicated and could lead to an unprecedented social crisis.

Given this, the president of the confederation, Édgar Sarango, urged the Government to take urgent measures and thus be able to mitigate this problem that, as he warned, would directly and indirectly affect more than 4 million Ecuadorians.

For this reason, they proposed a series of measures, including initiating legal actions to achieve the reinstatement of thousands of workers fired from their jobs. In the same way, they would present unconstitutionality claims before national and international bodies because there would be laws that violate the rights of workers.

Finally, they assured that they do not rule out organizing future mobilizations if the Government ignores their requests.

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