Andrés Arauz and Rafael Correa would be the UNES team for the 2021 elections

This decision was based on the need to solve the serious economic problems that the country is going through.

The Unión por la Esperanza (UNES) platform would present the former manager of the Central Bank, Andrés Arauz, as its candidate for the Presidency of the Republic in the 2021 elections. In addition, it would nominate former president Rafael Correa as a candidate for the Vice Presidency.

The UNES platform is made up of the Citizen Revolution, Democratic Center, the Permanent Forum of Ecuadorian Women, Confederation of Peasant Indigenous Peoples and Organizations of Ecuador (FEI), Rural and Productive Force, National Coalition for the Homeland, National Patriotic Front and SurGente.

One of its members, Jimmy Jairala, confirmed that this would be the presidential binomial with which they would appear in next year’s elections. In the same way, he stressed that this decision is based on the need to solve the serious economic problems that the country is going through.

Andrés Arauz Galarza has a degree in Economics and Mathematics from the University of Michigan, a specialist in Public Economics, in addition to obtaining a Master’s degree in Development Economics from the Latin American Faculty of Social Sciences FLACSO and is studying Financial Economics at the National Autonomous University of Mexico UNAM .

Rafael Correa was president of Ecuador for 10 years and can still be a candidate for any popularly elected position, as long as the 2012-2016 Bribery Case is not resolved.

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