Judge orders house arrest and police surveillance against former President Abdalá Bucaram

This Thursday the trial of the former President of the Republic, Abdalá Bucaram and 3 agents of the Metropolitan Transit Agency (AMT) of Quito, for the alleged crime of organized crime.

After several hours, the judge in charge of this process issued a house arrest with police surveillance for Abdalá Bucaram due to his age and preventive detention for the 3 traffic officers who were allegedly involved in the illegal sale of medical supplies, along with the Israelis carrying fake DEA credentials.

Abdalá Bucaram broke down during the hearing for the presentation of charges for the crime of organized crime. An ambulance from the Fire Department arrived before 6:00 a.m. to the Guayaquil Flagrancy Unit to treat the former president. Unofficially, it is known that they would be pressure problems.

The process for organized crime is the third criminal case that the former Ecuadorian president keeps open: one is for a firearm found in his possession last June 3 and the other is for allegedly trafficking patrimonial assets, which would have been discovered in that same operating.

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