![Screenshot_2020-07-31 Asamblea concede amnistía a 20 dirigentes de Cañar procesados por caso de Justicia Indígena - Pichinc[...]](https://english.radiopichincha.com/wp-content/uploads/2020/07/Screenshot_2020-07-31-Asamblea-concede-amnistía-a-20-dirigentes-de-Cañar-procesados-por-caso-de-Justicia-Indígena-Pichinc....png)
This motion was approved with the support of 112 legislators.
This Thursday, July 30, the plenary session of the National Assembly 678 took place, in which it was resolved to grant amnesty for 20 indigenous leaders and members of the San Pedro de Cañar community, in the case of application of indigenous justice.
For this purpose, the favorable report prepared by the State Justice and Structure Commission, approved on July 8, 2020, was accepted. The respective motion was presented by the legislator José Serrano, and had 112 affirmative votes for its approval.
In the document, it is declared that the adopted decision reaffirms the validity of the multicultural and intercultural State and the guarantee of the communities and indigenous peoples to the exercise of their collective rights. In addition, once the matter has been resolved, criminal actions may not be brought for facts investigated in the proceedings for this amnesty.
In the same way, in these initiated cases, the sentence imposed is extinguished and the criminal proceedings are filed, as well as the immediate release in the case of persons deprived of liberty, the revocation of arrest warrants, and the extinction of any real or personal precautionary measure and alternative punishment to prison.
The amnesty favors: Luis Eduardo Calle Calle, Manuel María Calle Calle, María Asenciona Tamay Murudumbay, Digna María Sarmiento Chuqui, Luis Manuel Morocho Sanango, José Sarmiento Jiménez, Sergio Roberto Paucar Huerta, Galo Alejandro Mateus Rodríguez, María Aurora Romero Romero, Manuel Jesús Romero Romero, Blanca Teresa Tenezaca Romero, María Josefina Sotamba Padilla, María Alegría Tenelema Romero, Luis Eduardo Calle Espinoza, Héctor Patricio Tamay Tamay, Luis Rigoberto Chimborazo Sarmiento, Zoila María Espinoza Campoverde, María Baleriana Tenezaca Romero, Víctor Aurelio Espinoza Espinoza y Ángel Belisario Calle Calle.
Source: National Assembly
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