Turi Social Rehabilitation Center registers 124 positive cases of coronavirus

The SNAI applies protocols to mitigate the disease.

The National Service of Integral Attention to Adult People Deprived of Liberty and Teenage Offenders (SNAI) reported that there are 124 positive cases of coronavirus at the Turi Social Rehabilitation Center, in Azuay.

Of this group, five were transferred to different health homes and four were discharged for treatment and returned to their wards under medical supervision.

The SNAI indicated that due to Covid-19 and other conditions, the clinical picture of three inmates complicated and they died.

In this context, the entity indicated that measures have been established to mitigate the virus in the prison population through health campaigns, sanitation of spaces, adaptation of facilities to treat associated symptoms, installation of disinfection arches, triage, taking of tests fast, among other actions.

These protocols were implemented after detecting the first cases of coronavirus among the inmates. Seventy beds were installed, coordinated medical care for weekends, provided with masks, gel, alcohol and soap.

In a statement, the National Comprehensive Care Service for Adult Persons Deprived of Liberty and Teenage Offenders stated that “it guarantees access to health for persons deprived of liberty because it is a right, even more so during the health emergency.

Source: SNAI, social networks

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