Mutiny at the Socail Rehabilitation Center in Turi,after a prisoner died with COVID-19.

There are 11 other people infected with coronavirus in this Center.

On the morning of June 8, 2020, there was a riot at the Turi de Cuenca Social Rehabilitation Center (CRS), after a prisoner (PPL) died with COVID-19.

Through videos sent from prison, people deprived of their liberty ask for medical attention and the provision of protection supplies to prevent the spread of the pandemic.

The National Service of Attention to People Deprived of Liberty (SNAI), without giving more details, reported that the National Police and the Armed Forces comply with the Security Contingency Plan of the National Social Rehabilitation System to control the mutiny in the CRS .

This Saturday, June 6, Simon A. died, deprived of the freedom of the CRS Turi, after being hospitalized for pneumonia. In addition, the SNAI confirmed that there are 11 other people infected in this area.

On May 31, he moved from Simón A. to the José Carrasco Arteaga Hospital, due to pneumonia. The CRS underwent the rapid coronavirus test and the result was negative, but days later they performed a PCR test at the health center and it was confirmed that it was a positive case.

Inmates who tested positive are isolated with mild symptoms in a space enabled to treat coronavirus cases.

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