The number of coronavirus cases increases in indigenous nationalities of the Amazon.
In the Ecuadorian Amazon, 185 confirmed cases are registered. 82 are out of risk, 2 cases in critical condition and 10 unfortunate deaths, according to the Confederation of Indigenous Nationalities of the Ecuadorian Amazon (CONFENIAE).
There are 37 patients recovered from COVID-19 in Siekopai (Secoya). This community has the highest rate of cases that have overcome the disease.
On the other hand, the Kichwa community registers the highest number of deaths from coronavirus.
The president of the Achuar Nationality, Tiyua Uyuncar, pointed out that ancestral knowledge and contemporary knowledge of modernity must be concatenated to satisfy the needs of the communities.
Uyuncar called for unity among nationalities to face and overcome the pandemic.
Due to the lack of products and even barter with the nationalities of the Ecuadorian highlands, many indigenous Amazonians have decided to enter the jungle to harvest fruits or in some cases monkeys, Andrea Bravo, an anthropologist interned in the Ecuadorian Amazon, told BBC News .
In addition, she indicated that the favorable conditions offered by the jungle will not be maintained throughout the year, so that food will be temporary.
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