Criminals intercept a trailer with 3,000 boxes of gloves, and the Police recover 430 boxes

Citizens posed as traffic officers to simulate an operation and rob.

Three alleged traffic officers stopped a trailer as it was leaving the Guayas province. The thieves took a shipment of 3,000 boxes of latex gloves, valued at more than $ 3,000.

The criminals pretended to carry out a control at kilometer 99 of the road to Balzar and stopped the car that was going to Quito to deliver the product.

Richard Jara, driver and owner of the heavy vehicle, was asked for the documents, minutes later they pointed a gun at him and put him in the back of the car.

After being released by the thieves, Jara called the Police. In the case, they found the trailer on a farm located in the province of Guayas, near Balzar. Only 430 boxes of the 3,000 that were transported in the container were found there.

A 38-year-old man who was guarding the stolen vehicle and who looked after the farm was detained for investigations and transferred to the Prosecutor’s Office, but hours later he was released after obtaining alternative measures to preventive detention.

Carlos Ponce, the victim, was outraged that the only detainee was released due to the health emergency.

Source: El Universo, social networks

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