Deprived of liberty make coffins to donate to various provinces in Ecuador

Inmates of the Ambato prison will donate 50 coffins destined for Guayaquil

In the face of the health crisis in the country due to the coronavirus outbreak and the lack of coffins for corpses, especially in Guayaquil, people deprived of their liberty (PPL) from the different penitentiary centers of the country have begun to prepare coffins to send them to the provinces.

In the Ambato prison, the inmates build 50 coffins that will be donated to relatives of the deceased in the Main Port, which will arrive this Friday, April 20. Likewise, in Quevedo 50 more coffins are made, which will be destined for Babahoyo.

Thus, it is anticipated that for this Monday, April 13, a donation of 3,000 boards will arrive from San Lorenzo-Esmeraldas, to be delivered to the prisons of Santo Domingo and Guayaquil.

The objective of this task in the penitentiary centers is to cover the demand for coffins, especially in Guayaquil.

On the other hand, masks and biosecurity suits are produced at the Centro de Adolescentes Infractores de Conocoto, on the outskirts of Quito, and at Turi de Cuenca, for health personnel and prison officials.

Source: Pichincha Comunicaciones

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