Hundreds of dismissed Public Media do not receive their corresponding settlement, according to former employee

Photo: Pedro Vinueza, former public media worker
Photo: Pedro Vinueza, former public media worker

Former worker believes that if Finance handed over the money for compensation, the resources were used for something else.

There are hundreds of employees dismissed from the Public Media, not only the 206 that are spoken of, according to testimony of Pedro Vinueza, one of those separated from his job.

For Vinueza, the main problem is not that he has been fired, but so far he has not been paid his liquidation. The matter is aggravated because many do not get a job, they have debts, they have to pay leases. There are people with disabilities, people with catastrophic diseases, Vinueza said.

He explained that the Public Media are Ecuador Tv, the newspapers El Telégrafo, el Tiempo, Public radio, Andes news agency and digital media.

According to Vinueza, the dismissals were given to comply with a provision by the National Government of Lenín Moreno, to reduce staff, within the framework of austerity policy to lower current spending in the public sector.

The former employee considers that there was no excess of personnel, because the workers, including him, had a heavy workload. By
 Both those who stayed should perform the work of five employees who are no longer there.

Regarding the debts owed, Vinueza said that the Minister of Finance, in communication to the Assemblyman Marcela Holguín, of the Citizen Revolution, ensures that the resources were already delivered, in January, to the Public Media, to comply with the payment of Compensation

He believes that, if Finance really remitted those monies, the resources were used in something else, because at a meeting last Friday, in Guayaquil, the Public Media Manager said they have no money.

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