Tragedy of 171 dead due to rains in Brazil equals that of 1988

 (Prensa Latina) The number of 171 deaths registered until today in the Brazilian municipality of Petrópolis, state of Rio de Janeiro, equals that of 1988, whose aftermath was described as a catastrophe.

The deaths caused by the storm in the so-called “imperial city” also exceed the 71 caused in 2011 by what was considered the greatest tragedy of this century, according to the newspaper Correio Braziliense.

The aftermath of strong winds, rains, and rising rivers causing floods, landslides and landslides accumulated 213 missing people, 967 homeless and serious damage to economic infrastructure, adds the newspaper.

Rescuers continue the search for survivors in this region of the Rio de Janeiro highlands, with the intervention of some 500 firefighters, 200 police officers, neighbors and other military personnel, accompanied by sniffer dogs.

The Civil Police reported that 139 of the fatal victims have already been identified, while another 126 people are missing and 24 were rescued alive during the six days of searches.

The National Meteorological Institute, meanwhile, predicted more rainfall until Thursday, which could further complicate the situation in the region.

Neighbors of Petrópolis help in the cleaning of the streets and in the burial of the victims in the Municipal Cemetery, due to the inability of funeral homes to bury the dozens of dead in the tragedy.

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