Uruguay to apply third anti-Covid dose to minors with comorbidities

 (Prensa Latina) The Uruguayan Vaccine Commission recommended today to apply a third dose of Covid-19 to teenagers from 12 to 17 years old with comorbidities, as another measure to close the way to the spreading SARS CoV2 virus.

A communiqué in this regard listed among the chronic diseases to be considered the cardiac, pulmonary, metabolic, neuromuscular, hepatic and hematological diseases and renal insufficiency, in addition to immunosuppressed patients.

The expert authority announced that it would make a statement next week on the possibility of administering a fourth and fifth dose.

The National Emergency System reported 8,112 new positive cases of Covid-19, 20 deaths and 165 patients admitted to intensive care centers (CTI).

However, the number of active patients dropped to 59,339, breaking the 60,000 barrier for the first time since January 12.

As an example, the scientist Gonzalo Moratorio explained that in the Spanish reference hospital, 80 percent of the coronavirus patients contracted the Omicron viral variant and 20 percent the Delta.

He also reiterated that a very significant fraction of those admitted to CTI are people who did not receive immunizing vaccines.

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