Mid-term election in recall referendum rebuted in Uruguay

(Prensa Latina) The General Secretary of the Uruguayan Comunist Party (PCU, in Spanish), Juan Castillo, refuted the government´s claim that the recall referendum on 135 articles of the Law of Urgent Consideration (LUC, in Spanish) is a mid-term election.

He expressed that beyong having 800,000 signatories to enable the referendum, many people voted for their democratic ideas in favor of this mechanism, to express their opinion on an Omnibus bill imposed without prior social debate.

According to his calculation no less than one million 200 favorable ballots are needed to go calm to the polls and the Frente Amplio (FA in Spanish) supports and joins a campaign to which the cooperative movement, social and territorial organizations and the trade union movement invite.

He highlighted that the Yes Committee promoted the idea of “going to convince neighbors, going to where they are”, and in this sense, he made emphasis on going to squares, parks, fairs and “door to door in the neighborhood”.

In a television interview, he also made reference to the results of the FA internal elections, highlighting the 40 % increase in participation, which for the PCU was more important that its list was the most voted.

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