Government maintains journalists and relatives in diplomatic positions abroad

Contracts ratify President Lenín Moreno’s close relationship with the press

The Government of President Lenín Moreno has shown a close and cordial relationship with the great media of the country, for this reason they have not exercised a critical line towards the regime.

An element that adds to that close press-government relationship is the appointment of journalists or their families in diplomatic positions abroad, as part of the political quota.

According to official information from the Ministry of Foreign Affairs, Christian Bernardo Oquendo Sánchez, son of the owner of Radio Vision of Quito, Diego Oquendo, serves as Second Secretary of the Embassy of Ecuador in Canada, with a unified compensation of USD 5,508. Oquendo Sánchez is an anthropologist and social communicator.

Also on the list is Pablo Esteban Ortiz García, former Teleamazonas lawyer and brother of journalist Jorge Ortiz, who serves as Ecuador’s ambassador to Belgium, with unified income of USD 10,527.

Another case is that of Luis Eduardo Khalifé Moraga, former Secretary of Communication and former interviewer of Ecuador TV, who occupies, with the rank of ambassador, the representation of Ecuador before Unesco, in France, with a remuneration of USD 10,579.

Another former television figure who occupies a diplomatic position is the former presenter of TC Televisión, Martha Agustina Sandoval Riofrío, who serves as general consul in Malaga, Spain, with a salary of USD 6,091.

The journalist and former editor of Diario El Comercio, Ivonne Eulalia Guzmán Vera, integrates Ecuador’s diplomatic mission in the United States, as consul general in Los Angeles, and receives a fee of USD 10,092.

These and other commitments with the media would guarantee President Moreno, at least for now, that the press is not very critical of political and economic decisions undertaken by the regime.

A clear example was when the media defended the elimination of fuel subsidies, decreed by the Head of State, and which was subsequently repealed after the October strike last year.

Elaborated: Adrián Acosta

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