Chilean people demand freedom for prisoners of the popular uprising

(Prensa Latina) Many actions will be held today in Chile to demand the release of people who remain imprisoned for participating in the protests after the so-called social outbreak of October 18, 2019.

This Thursday on some roads on the outskirts of this capital, traffic was hold up by barricades set on fire by groups demanding the release of those inmates, many of them young people, some of whom have been in custody for more than a year and without a proper trial.

‘Freedom, justice and reparation’ is the demand of the social, political and human rights organizations that called for a demonstration at 12:00 local time in front of the headquarters of the Supreme Court of Justice, in this capital,

The National Assembly of Relatives of the Political Prisoners of the Revolt called for a concentration at 18:00 in the Alameda Bernardo O’Higgins, with the purpose of demanding ‘the immediate approval of the general pardon’, and also planned pots and pans rallies today and tomorrow.

Meanwhile, this Friday, a day on which almost weekly rallies are held in the central Plaza de la Dignidad, a march is scheduled to arrive there from the headquarters of the National Institute of Rights.

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